Silverseeds Lab Network

silverseeds lab network

In collaboration with dcs & coexcys kict iium

Note: Please bring your own laptop for uploading code during the ArduKit Project session.

Register and Use Our Kits During The Workshop.

about the camp


The “Grand IoT Robotic and Security Awareness Workshop” is an exciting opportunity for young learners aged 10 and above to explore the world of electronics, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This event offers a unique platform where participants can engage in hands-on workshops and interactive discussions, gaining insights into how IoT impacts daily life and the importance of security in a connected world. Through guided sessions, participants will not only enhance their technical skills but also understand the relevance of these technologies to their everyday experiences and faith.


Basic Electronics with ArduKit Module

  1. Blink LED and Potentiometer
  2. Mini Traffic Light
  3. RGB Light

Advanced IoT Module

  1. Plant Monitoring System
  2. Smart Watering System
  3. Early Flood Detection System

Demonstration of Established IoT Projects

  1. Smart Attendance System Based on Autonomous Car (CObot)
  2. MQTT Enabled Smart Door Access System

Come and Join Us!